Thursday, July 30, 2020


God, revive my heart.

Thank You for reaching down and saving my heart at such a young age. Thank You for pulling my soul from darkness and welcoming me into Your arms before I even knew how to make a sandwich.

Don’t let me forget all that You are and all that You’ve done.

God, my heart can become so complacent. I don’t remember what it’s like living in darkness. I don’t really know what people who are living in darkness today are feeling or experiencing. I was so young when You saved me, I can’t remember what that’s like. I’ve forgotten how undeserving I am of all of You and worthy You are of everything I am.

God, thank You for your sovereignty and your ever-presence in my life. May I never again take it for granted.

I’ve lived so long knowing You will be there no matter what, I’ve forgotten how close You truly are.

I’ve forgotten the beauty of the gift of Your undeserved grace.

The mighty power of Your mercy.

The saving love of Your forgiveness.

The splendor, majesty, and pure glory of Your holiness.

God, You are great. Your holiness should bring me to my knees in awe. But I’ve forgotten. I’ve forgotten who You are, and I’ve let myself forget. I’ve let these “big church words” that describe You alone become so normal in my life that I don’t even know what they mean anymore.

God, how many others are here? How many others have spent so long hearing of You and growing up in Your church that we’ve forgotten the power and awe we experienced when You saved our souls?

A friend told me the other day, “When we truly see and experience the total splendor and majesty and holiness of God, in all that He is, is there really any other response we can have other than to say yes to all He asks of us in total obedience?”

God, may I always say yes in obedience. Give me a greater understanding of Your holiness, to see even more my need for your forgiveness and grace and mercy that You so loving poured out on the cross, to understand even deeper why You call us to the nations.

God, John 15 tells us that those who are not found in You will be plucked from the vineyard and thrown into the fire. People all across the world are dying without You

God, I don’t know what they see or feel when they wake up in the morning, but I know they’re living in darkness. I don’t know what darkness shows them as they go about their day, but they aren’t living in Your hope and Your light.

How can they know Your holiness and Your glory if no one tells them? How can anyone tell them if no one is going? How can we go if we are so complacent we don’t even see a need to take the gospel, because what we have is “good enough for now”?

God, revive my heart. Revive the hearts of young adults like me. Of young adults who have spent so long, so many days growing up in church, hearing the same words used over and over but never really gaining and understanding of what these words mean for our lives and our souls. Of young adults like me who don’t remember what it’s like to be living in darkness and who have trouble understanding the urgency of the gospel because of this.

God, give us an urgency. Give us eyes to see the desperate need for Your gospel to go to the nations. Call Your people. Plant a deep passion in our hearts, one we can’t even understand, to take Your gospel across the world to those who’ve never even heard Your name.

God, You tell us in Revelation 7:9 that, one day, there will be a multitude worshipping at Your throne, from every tribe and tongue and nation. What about the nations, the peoples who’ve never heard Your name? How can they worship in Your glory at Your throne if no one ever goes and tells them about Your gospel?

God, call us. Revive us. Awaken us to Your global purpose, to the urgency and the deep need that we’ve forgotten about. Take us to the nations. Show us Your glory in ways so remarkable that all we can do to respond is say yes in obedience and follow You wherever You lead. Give us a passion for the unreached, not a complacency thinking someone else will go. It’s past time for us to say yes and go. Raise up Your harvesters, awaken us from our complacency and forgetfulness, and bring revival to Your earth through Your people.