Friday, May 6, 2016

Freshman Year is OVER

The other day, a friend of mine made the comment that, “Wow, we’ve changed a lot in the past year.”  It does not feel like a year ago that I moved into my dorm room at Missouri State; sometimes, it feels like yesterday, and sometimes it feels like I’ve always been here.  But I have changed a lot.  A lot has happened in the past year.

I’m sitting at my desk one last time as I write this, (again) procrastinating on the online psych homework I know I should be doing (it’s actually sitting next to my computer right now, and I’m still not doing it).  My desk and walls are bare again, just like they were the day I moved in.  All my stuff is packed up in Dad’s truck and on it’s way home, and I’ll be home in just a few hours.  It’s crazy.

Looking back on this year, all I can do is smile and see all the ways God has blessed me.  I spent a lot of last semester in my room, not really leaving much – except to go home every weekend or to watch movies in the living room with my suitemates.  But at the same time, I was finding out that I would be going to Nicaragua this summer.  I remember the exact spot on the Potter’s House front porch where I was sitting when I found out.

Ever since the spring semester started, I’ve been praying for God to bring Jesus-loving friends into my life that I could do life with.  And guess what.  He gave me a desire to spend time with people and actually go out and make some friends.

And I couldn’t be happier.  I seriously have found joy in leaving my room – I know, shocking sometimes.

As this semester and year come to and end, I can’t help but look back on all the things God has done.  He’s brought a second family into my life through dorm community and Bible studies.  {INCOMING COLLEGE FRESHMEN:  Let God lead you to the people who will become your second family.  They are seriously amazing.}  I cannot thank those people enough for all they’ve done for me, even in the last couple months.  They’ve supported and comforted me during the good and the bad times.  They’ve rejoiced with me and cried with me.  God blessed me tremendously when He brought us together as a second family.

I’ve officially dropped my Global Studies major and added the Latin American Studies minor in its place.  I have plans to study abroad in a couple years.  This semester, I’ve gotten involved in Cru on campus, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the friendships God placed in my life through Cru.  In August, I will join Cru leadership, and I cannot wait to see how God uses me to change my campus and other students, just like He used my leaders to change my life.

But first, Nicaragua.  I leave two weeks from tomorrow!  It’s getting so close!  My goal now is to be thankful for the year God just gave me at college and all He did here, but more than that to look to the future as He takes me on my next journey to Nicaragua.  I cannot wait to see how God works in Nicaragua, and I cannot wait to see all that He does when I get back to Missouri State next year.

This year has been amazing, and a TON has happened, but I cannot wait to see all that God has next!

See you in August, second family.  Have a great summer!


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